On March 24, 2022, Performance-based Standards (PbS) hosted a webinar featuring a panel of data analysts discussing their experiences, what data lets them know reentry is successful, what information is critical, and more. This panel was moderated by Kim Godfrey Lovett, Executive Director of PbS, and Melissa Sickmund, Director of the National Center for Juvenile Justice.
Raising the Bar on Juvenile Reentry: Ways Probation Officers Use Data
On February 24, 2022, Performance-based Standards (PbS) hosted a webinar featuring a panel of probation officers discussing their experiences, what reentry success looks like, what information they found most useful to determine placements, and more. This panel was moderated by Kim Godfrey Lovett, Executive Director of PbS, and Melissa Sickmund, Director of the National Center ...
Raising the Bar on Juvenile Reentry: Ways Judges Use Data
On January 27, 2022, Performance-based Standards (PbS) hosted a webinar featuring a panel of judges discussing their experiences, what reentry success looks like, what information they find most useful to determine placements, and more. This panel was moderated by Kim Godfrey Lovett, Executive Director of PbS, and Melissa Sickmund, Director of the National Center for Juvenile J ...
Stephen's Story: Changing Your Stars
Meet Stephen, former recipient of the PbS Education and Employment Foundation Scholarship and Employment Matching Awards. He describes the PbS Scholarship as a "bridge," one that allowed him to become the first young person in the Oregon Youth Authority to pursue his master's degree: "I definitely think the scholarships are that first catalyst. The first step in my success was ...
Why Youth Justice Matters Every Month
Unlike many juvenile justice professionals, my role as Program Assistant at the Performance-based Standards Learning Institute (PbS) has very little direct interaction with the young people entangled in the system. Compared to the folks with the privilege of developing personal and meaningful relationships with the youths whom we serve, I am probably more detached from the huma ...
Sometimes the Smallest Gifts Can Make the Biggest Difference
“I want to be the one who breaks the chain of poverty in my family. My plan when I get out is to get a job to help me stay focused and out of trouble,” one young man wrote to us in his application for the 2021 PbS Reentry Award.
Reentry – The Importance of Hearing From Young People
April 26-30 is National Reentry Week, placing special focus on the importance of reentry and supporting and preparing young people to start afresh successfully and fulfil their potential. PbS added the voices of young people leaving facilities during 2020 to the discussion and showed the importance of hearing directly from them about their readiness and preparation for reentry.
Understanding Reentry Through Data
Einstein defined insanity as “doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” Very little has changed for young people when they leave juvenile justice facilities. They return to their communities to face the same disadvantages, discrimination and barriers that they struggled with previously, and which likely resulted in their system involvement: unstable living situations, difficulties with school, poverty and lack of access to the basic necessities needed for healthy adolescent development. Their situation becomes more challenging when they leave because their involvement with juvenile justice makes it even harder for them to get back into school, get hired for a job, enlist in the military or be eligible for public housing.
Second Round of 2020 PbS Reentry Award Winners
Following the success of our virtual fundraiser “Creating Real Second Chances,” Performance-based Standards (PbS) was pleased to offer a second round of the 2020 PbS Reentry Award to youths in PbS participating facilities. During this unprecedented holiday season, youths headed home for the holiday season were eligible to receive additional support to ease the transition from j ...
Additional Funds Available for the 2020 PbS Reentry Award
Thanks to the generosity of donors and the success of our virtual fundraiser “Creating Real Second Chances”, Performance-based Standards (PbS) is pleased to announce the availability of additional funds to helps youths return to their homes and communities. The application for a second round of the 2020 PbS Reentry Award has opened.