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Data Snapshot - Perspectives on Reentry During the Pandemic

PbS looked at more than 6,000 surveys between April 2020 and October 2021 to understand the impact of COVID-19 on young people leaving residential care and rejoining communities. In this PbS Data Snapshot, we share Youth Reentry Survey responses to some of the questions and issues posed by the pandemic.

Read more about:  Reentry, Publications, COVID-19, Reentry

Data Snapshot: Responding to the Pandemic - Testing Prevalence and Outcomes in 2021

The pandemic caused by the COVID-19 virus and its variants continues to dominate public discussions and exacerbate already difficult situations in neighborhoods, schools, places of work and of worship and in homes and institutions. Because of the nature of the virus and the reality of asymptomatic infections, it is impossible to know the exact number of positive cases that occur within these various contexts. Widespread testing, however, has proven to be the most useful tool for shedding light on the prevalence of the virus and the effectiveness of interventions.

Data Snapshot - Use of Restraints and Staff-Youth Relationships

There were some positive changes during the pandemic that we want to learn more about: There were fewer uses of restraints in facilities and more youths reported positively about their relationships with the staff.

Data Snapshot - Responding to the Pandemic: Fewer Youths in Custody

In April 2021, the average daily population in detention centers and correction facilities continued to decline slightly and remained below pre-pandemic numbers. Policy changes to admission, transfers and releasing youths may have contributed to fewer youths in custody.

Read more about:  Publications, Issue Briefs, COVID-19

Data Snapshot - COVID-19 Prevention and Protection Strategies

During the month of April 2021, 90% or more of PbS participating facilities were implementing the majority of recommended pandemic responses. Agencies created strategies to reduce the impact, presence and spread of COVID-19. 

Read more about:  Publications, Issue Briefs, COVID-19

Data Snapshot - Responding to the COVID-19 Pandemic

One year into the pandemic, data from 148 facilities across the country show a 4% positive test rate for the COVID-19 virus among youths and less than 2% among staff during the month of April 2021.

Read more about:  Issue Briefs, COVID-19, Publications

Data Snapshot - Focus on Positive Change

This PbS Data Snapshot was written by Kim Godfrey Lovett, PbS Executive Director and includes data collected by PbS participating facilities during 2020 amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. Data points discussed in this brief include use of restraints in facilities and youth perceptions on their relationships with staff.

Data Snapshot - Keeping Youths Safe

This PbS Data Snapshot includes data collected by PbS participating facilities during April 2020 amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. Data points discussed in this brief include youths' perceptions of safety in facilities as well as rates of assaults, fights, and restraints in secure juvenile correction and detention centers.

COVID-19 Data Snapshot July 2020

This PbS Data Snapshot was written by Kim Godfrey Lovett, PbS Executive Director and includes data collected by PbS participating facilities during April 2020 amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. Data points discussed in this brief include decreasing daily populations as well as racial and ethnic disparities in secure juvenile correction and detention centers.

PbS has been a partner in assisting this facility to become a dynamic work environment that is not satisfied with maintaining the status quo.