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Questions for PbS Database Researchers

The following is a list of potential questions that can be explored by those with access to the PbS Database for Researchers: 

  • Which has a greater impact on positive youth outcomes: staff-youth relationship or programming/services provided?
  • Are white and Black youths who are involved in fights equally likely to be restrained by a direct care staff?
  • What is the relationship between the ratio of direct care staff to youths and the total number of confirmed cases of abuse or neglect across regions and facilities?
  • What is the relationship between positive family feedback and critical outcome measures and youth perceptions of safety and their futures?
  • Aside from family, who are youths most likely to call when they need to talk or need help working out a problem after leaving the facility?
  • What is the effect of race/ethnicity on the use of isolation/room confinement and restraints and how does that impact critical outcome measures?
  • Does race/ethnicity impact youths’ length of stay, services received and connections to community services?
  • How do rates of injuries resulting from suicidal behavior differ among youths of various ages, ethnicities and genders?
  • Do female direct care staff experience higher rates of injuries by youths and more fear for safety than male staff?

PbS has been a partner in assisting this facility to become a dynamic work environment that is not satisfied with maintaining the status quo.