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Drumming solo performance from Central Oklahoma Juvenile Center

The PbS Kids Got Talent Contest serves as a testament to the transformative impact of the arts on the lives of young people in juvenile justice programs. By embracing the power of artistic expression, the contest offers a unique opportunity for system-involved young people to showcase their skills, while simultaneously encouraging their personal growth, self-confidence and positive engagement with the world around them.
Ezekiel S., a finalist from Central Oklahoma Juvenile Center, gave it his all in a beautiful drum solo. Playing with the accompaniment of the piano, Ezekiel.S displayed a wide variety of techniques, showcasing his talent and drumming abilities. It was a pleasure to watch his performance.
Throughout the years, the contest has grown, captivating audiences with an awe-inspiring display of youthful ingenuity. The participants come from diverse backgrounds, each with their unique stories, struggles and aspirations. PbS believes that every child, regardless of their circumstances, deserves the chance to shine and unlock their hidden talents and that is exactly what was on display with Ezekiel.S.
Watch his performance here and stay tuned for more finalist performances and spotlights on the blog this summer.

Read more about:  Awards, Kids Got Talent

About the author

Nahom Woldesenbet

Nahom Woldesenbet

Nahom Woldesenbet is the Technical Support Associate for the PbS Learning Institute. Prior to working at PbS, Nahom was the IT support for Tango Therapeutics, He also recently graduated from Bunker Hill Community College with a degree in Information Technology.

PbS has been a partner in assisting this facility to become a dynamic work environment that is not satisfied with maintaining the status quo.