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Channeling the Queen of Hip-Hop Soul at IYC Warrenville

The focus of this 2022 PbS Kids Got Talent Contest Finalist Spotlight is a performance from IYC Warrenville, where one talented artist gave a powerful rendition of Mary J. Blige’s “No More Drama”.

It’s no easy task to perform a hit song from the iconic singer widely known as the “Queen of Hip-Hop Soul”, never mind an a cappella version. Yet the artist had the Selection Committee members raving with comments like, “Your voice is AMAZING!” and “Great Talent!”

The emotional performance closes to a round of applause after the artist belts out the last words. “Only God knows where the story ends/For me/But I know where the story begins.” No doubt, this is only the beginning for this impressive artist. We wish her nothing but success as her story unfolds.

Watch the performance here.

The annual PbS Kids Got Talent Contest invites all young people in PbS facilities and programs across the country to submit their talents for a chance to show off their skills. This year, Performance-based Standards (PbS) received 55 entries from 63 young people in 8 states and 22 different facilities. After careful consideration, 12 finalist performances were selected and shared with the Kids Got Talent Selection Committee.

Each of the 12 performances will be featured in the 2022 PbS Kids Got Talent Contest Finalist Spotlight blog over the coming weeks as our committee determines a solo winner and a group winner. The winners will be selected based on creativity, stage presence and talent. The winning soloist will perform live at the PbS Awards Night in August.

Read more about:  Kids Got Talent

About the author

Lisa Duffy

Lisa Duffy

Lisa Duffy is a program assistant for the PbS Learning Institute. She holds a B.A. in Women’s Studies and a Master of Fine Arts (MFA) in Creative Writing from the University of Massachusetts Boston. She has extensive experience in writing, editing, and content creation for private, healthcare, and non-profit organizations. A published novelist with three book club favorites from Simon & Schuster, Lisa’s writing can be found in numerous literary journals, print, and online publications.

PbS has been a partner in assisting this facility to become a dynamic work environment that is not satisfied with maintaining the status quo.