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Now Accepting Applications for the 2022 PbS Barbara Allen-Hagen Award

Performance-based Standards (PbS) is now collecting applications for the 2022 PbS Barbara Allen-Hagen Award. We hope you take the opportunity to share and celebrate the improvements and achievements of your facility by submitting an application.

Each year, the PbS Barbara Allen-Hagen Award is presented to one long-term correction facility, one short-term detention or assessment center and one community residential program that best demonstrate success using PbS’ data-driven improvement model.

For the second year in a row, we will accept video entries (3-5 minutes) in lieu of the full, written application. Your video application should answer the same three open-ended questions on the written application. Both written and video entries must connect the facility improvement plan to data and efforts for positive change: the ‘why’, the ‘how’ and the ‘what’ of your improvement plan.

Please sign in to the PbS website to view this year’s application for additional details on the written and video entry options. The application can be located online in My PbS > Surveys.

Applications will be accepted from now through Thursday, March 31, 2022.

Contact your PbS Coach or the PbS Help Desk if you have any questions.

Read more about:  Awards, Barbara Allen-Hagen

About the author



PbS measures and monitors facility practices by collecting and reporting data from administrative records and survey responses from youths, staff and families to provide a holistic picture of the conditions and quality of life in residential facilities, highlights the practices that are effective in promoting youths’ healthy maturation and identifies those that are not. PbS data is reported every April and October.  PbS trains staff to use the information to change practices and support reforms implementing the adolescent development approach.

PbS has been a partner in assisting this facility to become a dynamic work environment that is not satisfied with maintaining the status quo.