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Celebrating PbS Awards Night in the Big Easy

In conjunction with the annual PbS Agency Coordinators Training (ACT), the PbS Awards Night took place in New Orleans on Friday, Aug. 5, with nearly 100 guests donning their best attire to recognize and celebrate each other. Sponsored by the PbS Education and Employment Foundation, the PbS Awards Night honors juvenile justice professionals as well as young award recipients.

Among those recognized:

The festive evening included a live performance from one of the two solo winners of the Kids Got Talent Contest. Kay, from Long Creek Youth Development Center, Maine Department of Corrections, performed an original vocal titled “I Don’t Want to Love You,” impressing the audience with her professional stage presence and lyrical voice.

PbS would like to thank everyone for an inspiring evening. For more information about the PbS Awards, please visit


Read more about:  Awards, Barbara Allen-Hagen, Foundation

About the author

Lisa Duffy

Lisa Duffy

Lisa Duffy is a program assistant for the PbS Learning Institute. She holds a B.A. in Women’s Studies and a Master of Fine Arts (MFA) in Creative Writing from the University of Massachusetts Boston. She has extensive experience in writing, editing, and content creation for private, healthcare, and non-profit organizations. A published novelist with three book club favorites from Simon & Schuster, Lisa’s writing can be found in numerous literary journals, print, and online publications.

PbS has been a partner in assisting this facility to become a dynamic work environment that is not satisfied with maintaining the status quo.