Lisa Duffy is a program assistant for the PbS Learning Institute. She holds a B.A. in Women’s Studies and a Master of Fine Arts (MFA) in Creative Writing from the University of Massachusetts Boston. She has extensive experience in writing, editing, and content creation for private, healthcare, and non-profit organizations. A published novelist with three book club favorites from Simon & Schuster, Lisa’s writing can be found in numerous literary journals, print, and online publications.
2022 PbS Barbara Allen-Hagen Award Video Spotlight: Hartford Juvenile Detention Center
Performance-based Standards (PbS) is proud to announce Hartford Juvenile Detention Center (HJDC) as the 2022 PbS Barbara Allen-Hagen Award winner in the detention and assessment category.
HJDC was selected for their focus on increasing staff safety, addressing fear among staff and residents and drastically reducing the number of incidents in the facility.
Congratulations to the HJDC team! We thank you for your dedication and commitment to treating every young person as one of our own.
For detailed information on HJDC’s impressive success, visit the finalist blog.
Watch the video to learn more about this year’s Barbara Allen-Hagen Award detention and assessment category winner.