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Stephen's Story: Changing Your Stars

Meet Stephen, former recipient of the PbS Education and Employment Foundation Scholarship and Employment Matching Awards. He describes the PbS Scholarship as a "bridge," one that allowed him to become the first young person in the Oregon Youth Authority to pursue his master's degree:

"I definitely think the scholarships are that first catalyst. The first step in my success was definitely someone else believing in me."

Hear the rest of Stephen's testimony about the impact accessing education makes, for young people entangled in the juvenile justice system. 

Read more about:  Foundation, Awards, Scholarships, Reentry

About the author

Erin Condon

Erin Condon

Erin Condon (she/her/hers) is a Program Assistant at the PbS Learning Institute.

PbS has been a partner in assisting this facility to become a dynamic work environment that is not satisfied with maintaining the status quo.