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Register Now: Creating Real Second Chances

One year after the launch of the PbS Education and Employment Foundation, we are happy to announce that our first live fundraiser will be held on Oct. 27 3:00-3:45pm EDT. Youths need assistance more than ever while in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, and we are taking action through this fundraiser to get them the support they need.

The “Creating Real Second Chances” Virtual fundraiser will feature a panel of youths and a family member of a youth who have personal experience of reentering the community from a juvenile justice facility. The panel is free to join and donations are encouraged.

Our fundraiser goal is to raise at least $2,000 so we can end the year with a second round of our reentry award and give even more youths the second chance they deserve. We want our youths to feel prepared to reenter their community.

Please join our first virtual fundraiser titled: Creating Real Second Chances. You are all invited to learn, listen, share, and donate to help our youths.

Read more about:  Foundation

About the author

Jaclyn Cirinna

Jaclyn Cirinna

The PbS Youth Coordinator position was created in 2019 to ensure PbS’ work includes input and feedback from the youths we serve. The first coordinator was hired thanks to support from the Annie E. Casey Foundation and is focusing on initiatives to grow the Education and Employment Foundation to reach more youths.

PbS has been a partner in assisting this facility to become a dynamic work environment that is not satisfied with maintaining the status quo.